“Whatever you decide, don't let it be because you don't think you have a choice.” Hannah Harrington
I know that no matter the circumstances I have control of my life, even if other dynamics appear to be outside of my control. The choices I have include how I respond to a situation, what options I had chosen previously that affect this present choice and how much I may be operating from old habits, which can make it appear as if I don’t have choice .
The important thing is to ask yourself “do I want to take responsibility and ownership of my life or will I allow others to make the choices for me”. Because when you come from the second position you are giving up the right to have control of your life. So start this New Year with a resolution to own your choices, no matter what they are, because you will then start to see how much you do have control … and thisis a great way to begin 2019. Happy New Year!
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Choices and their power
Review on how they affect our lives